Bella Donna capitulo 10

imageBella Donna capitulo 10,  Hi There..Here is, a new telenovela program on Canal RCN. "Bella Donna". This sesion tell about Bella Donna Capitulo 10

So don't miss every chapter telenovela Bella Donna. I will give the resume for all chapter on this Blog. Here  is Bella Donna Telenovela

 Synopsys Bella Donna telenovela
Bella is a beautiful woman who lives in a banana town. His great love is Antonio Segovia, a man from a conservative family. But a day comes to Bella's life Román Montero, a powerful and unscrupulous man to completely change the life of the young.

This is the story previous chapter, broadcast on August 1

Bella returns to "beautiful water" ready to regain the love of Antonio

After rejecting the proposal to Roman, go with him to a place near the capital, and the decision to return to the town, Bella is on the road with Andrew, who reveals that he will "beautiful water" to regain the love of Antonio.